Move your business from
Uncertain to Unshakable
(Hint: it has nothing to do with you!)
Non-Traditional Sales & Business Coaching for your Faith.Life.Biz.
Gain Clarity
& Direction

Overcome Fear
with Faith-led Action

Step Into Your Goals
with Unshakable Confidence

My friend,
Your faith, life, and business are way too valuable to allow
distractions to keep holding you back making you feel stuck &
spinning in circles.
As you grow your business, this theme song may sneak in,
“Everyday I’m hustlin, hustlin”
When you’re hustling, you’re always moving and the ground underneath you doesn’t feel stable. It feels like it’s shaking!
And the shaking is most intense when it comes time to sell your services & offers. It creates anxiety & uncertainty.
If you ever feel slowed down by thoughts of uncertainty like:
- “I have tons of ideas and don’t know what to focus on first”
- “No one is going to pay me for my services”
- “I’ll go after that dream later, but first I just need a [fill in the blank]”
(website, biz cards, sales funnel, certification, drink! )
We can overcome all of these thoughts. I will help you break free from the repetitive patterns that keep you captive so you can finally step into freedom!
“Hey, I use to hustle and never thought it would lead to burnout…until it did.
So this is why I stand firm and call it out.
You either will like me for this or not.
I’m not for everyone, and that’s ok.”

Calm the shaky ground of sales stress to create a steady path to freedom in your business.
Find the confidence to know….
- WHO you Serve
- WHAT you Provide
- HOW you Grow
Together, we’ll help you step into your calling with UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE
I will be your guide to slow the hustle and move your business forward
at a “Pace with God’s Grace”

3 simple ways to get started:
There’s a supportive community waiting for you!
No comparison, overwhelm, or lots of “noise” in here.
Connect with us in our private Unshakable Confidence Club™ community on Facebook.
We’ll get acquainted, get you connected, plus share some laughs.
Enjoy a cup of tea as we as we chat via phone or zoom.
Video optional cause zoom fatigue is a real thing. Plus who want’s zoom butt?! Need to walk around!
Free 10-Minute Business Makeover!
If you struggle with overwhelm and discouragement, this 10-Minute Business Makeover is for you!
It will help you make selling your services simple & fun… WITHOUT hustling.
Don’t have a business?
That’s ok!
Connect with my Unshakable FAITH community here.
~Warning – Truth Bomb Ahead~
Don’t keep reading if you ONLY want a sweet treat to chew on!
As much as I love my gourmet macarons, transformation can only happen
when we get real and honest.
So, no sugar coating from here on out, ok?
Real Truths That Have Changed Thousands Of My Clients’ Lives,
As Well As My Own
Lie #1
You’ve got to HUSTLE, work hard 24-7, & fake it till you make it!
Truth #1
Break past overwhelm and go at a pace with grace. Embrace your true identity & roles.
Newsflash amigos! Your worth isn’t tied to your productivity. In reality, activity flows from your identity. To get there, we’ll get to the root of your challenges, and you’ll learn to speak truth in love without feeling the need to convince, convert, or condemn others. Uncover who you were truly created to be, whether in your faith, life, or biz and watch what unfolds. It’s even better than what you can imagine!
Lie #2
Business and everyone else comes first!
Truth #2
Put God first, then you, then family & friends, after all that THEN business.
This one may feel scary, but once you stand firm with these priorities in this order, you will shine brightly in all three…Faith, Life, & Biz!
Say bye bye to anxiety, distractions, overwhelm, perfectionism, procrastination, and even unhealthy habits and toxic relationships that try to sabotage your calling & purpose.
Lie #3
Sales is greedy. Chase after people and convince them to buy from you!
Truth #3
Sales means serving
authentically. It may require you to change your definitions.
Using my customized Sales from the Heart™️ method, you’ll learn a simplified yet powerful process that will help guide you to naturally connect with new potential clients so you can genuinely serve AND receive. Yes confidence increases and yes you’ll bring in more fruitful business AND there’s so much more that gets transformed!
Hear from the hearts that are beating strong & transformed!
“I went from 0, to 4 high paying clients in 2 months!
I made back my investment within the first 60 days of working with Jennifer”

Victoria Dorsano,
Health Coach
“Jennifer’s entry level program was affordable, with the option to upscale later on when I could, so it was perfect.”

Sharon Carruthers,
CEO & HRM Consultant
“I had my biggest week in sales within 1 month of working with Jennifer! I love how she incorporates faith & business.”

Scott White,
Addiction Coach

If you were to ask Martín, he’d say I’m not only his wife and salsa dance partner, but also his coach.
This is only partially true since I don’t follow “traditional” coaching styles.
But because there isn’t one word that describes what you and I will do together, I suppose we can use the word coach.

A bit about me and why you may want to lean into what I’ve got to say…
Hola! I’m Jennifer REYES
Quick fun facts:
- I speak Spanish like a 5 year old but I sure can dance to any Latin beat!
- I’m newly learning to play the piano (it’s never too late to start anything!)
- My hubby & I like to play hide-n-seek in our tiny temporary home (which brings creativity to another level of fun!)

Can you tell I dance to a unique beat
on & off the coaching stage?
I ditch the “titles” because whatever YOU need
may differ from what someone else needs!

Ready to find out how we can best work together?
Let’s cha-cha-cha(t)!
Imagine how awesome life will be when you break free.
Have more clarity, overcome fear, and step forward with more confidence.
But best of all, TRUE TRANSFORMATION in your Faith, Life, & Biz!
Ahhhh. No, let’s say it more powerfully…
It took a sinister near death experience to shake things up…
(read about my story below)
How dragonflies can impact your Faith, Life & Business
Lost, lonely, stuck spinning in circles…not fully moving forward for many years! Yup that was me.
It took a sinister near death experience to shake things up…but that still wasn’t enough for me to fully surrender over the pile of anger & hurt I carried around from narcissistic abuse, dysfunctional relationships & addictions.
Then I was RELEASED FROM THESE CHAINS! I didn’t realize I was actually carrying most of them around and could actually let them go. Others had a tight grip on me and this leaked into every aspect of my faith, life, and business!